HTML - <Area> (Image Map Area)

<Area> is an element used within the content model of the <MAP> element to implement client-side image maps. It defines a hot-spot region on the map and associates it with a hypertext link.



alt="alternative text"
class="class name"
coords="comma-separate list of values"
ID="Unique alphanumeric identifier"
shape="circle | default | poly | rect"
style="style information"
target="_blank | _parent | _self | _top | frame-name"
title="advisory text"


ACCESSKEY This attribute specifies a keyboard navigation accelerator for the element. Pressing ALT or a similar key in association with the specified character selects the form control correlated with that key sequence.
ALT This attribute contains a text string alternative to display on browsers than cannot display images.
CLASS This attribute is set to indicate the class or classes that a particular element belongs to. A class name is used by a style sheet to associate style rules to multiple elements at once.
COORDS For use with object shapes, this attribute uses a comma-separated list of numbers to define the coordinates of the object on the page.
HREF This attribute specifies the hyperlink target for the area. Its value is a valid URL. Either this attribute or the NOHREF attribute must be present in the element.
ID This attribute specifies a unique alphanumeric identifier to be associated with an element. Naming an element is important to being able to access it with a style sheet, a link, or a scripting language. Names should be unique to a document and should be meaningful.
NOHREF This attribute indicates that no hyperlink exists for the associated area. Either this attribute or the HREF attribute must be present in the element.
SHAPE This attribute defines the shape of the associated hot spot. HTML 4 defines the values RECT, which defines a rectangular region; CIRCLE, which defines a circular region; POLY, which defines a polygon; and DEFAULT, which indicates the entire region beyond any defined shapes.
STYLE This attribute specifies an inline style associated with the element. The style information is used to determine the rendering of the affected element.
TABINDEX This attribute represents a numeric value specifying the position of the defined area in the browser tabbing order.
TARGET This attribute specifies the target window for a hypertext source link referencing frames. The information linked to will be displayed in the named window. Frames must be named to be targeted. There are special name values, including _blank, which indicates a new window; _parent, which indicates the parent frame set containing the source link; _self, which indicates the frame containing the source link; and _top, which indicates the full browser window.
TITLE This attribute supplies advisory text for the element that may be rendered as a tool tip when the mouse is over the element. A title may also simply provide information that alerts future document maintainers to the meaning of the element and its enclosed content.

Event Handlers

onblur Occurs when an element loses focus, meaning that the user has moved focus to another element, typically either by clicking the mouse on it or tabbing to it.
onclick Indicates that the element has been clicked.
ondblclick Indicates that the element has been double-clicked.
onfocus The focus event describes when an element has received focus, namely, it has been selected for manipulation or data entry.
onkeydown Indicates that a key is being pressed down with focus on the element.
onkeypress Describes the event of a key being pressed and released with focus on the element.
onkeyup Indicates that s key is being released with focus on the element.
onmousedown Indicates the press of a mouse button with focus on the element.
onmousemove Indicates that the mouse has moved while over the element.
onmouseout Indicates that the mouse has moved away from an element.
onmouseover Indicates that the mouse has moved over an element.
onmouseup Indicates the release of a mouse button with focus on the element.


<map name="primary">
      <area shape="circle" coords="200,250,25" href="another.htm">
      <area shape = "default" nohref>