How to use global variable in PHP

Namespace provide the way to group related classes.

Example 1: create testClass.php in folder 'some/name'

            namespace some\name;

            class testClass {

                function say(){

Create test file named 'test.php' with the same level of folder 'some'

            spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) {
                include $class_name . '.php';

            use some\name\testClass;

            $a = new testClass();

It can also help in using the same class name on the same system (with different namespace)

Example 2: create testClass.php in folder 'other/name'

            namespace other\name;

            class testClass {

                function say(){
                    echo("It's me");

Modify 'test.php' as following

            spl_autoload_register(function ($class_name) {
                include $class_name . '.php';

            use some\name\testClass as testClass1;
            use other\name\testClass as testClass2;

            $a = new testClass1();

            echo("<br />");

            $b = new testClass2();